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How to cancel your ourtime subscription account

How To Cancel Your Ourtime Subscription

Cancel your Ourtime subscription easily with these steps.

OurTime is a dating service tailored for singles aged 50 and above, offering a user-friendly platform for mature individuals seeking connections. A subscription provides access to enhanced communication options, profile insights, and advanced search features. OurTime prioritizes user safety, offers a convenient mobile app, and occasionally organizes real-world events, making it a comprehensive and safe platform for mature singles to form meaningful relationships.

An OurTime subscription provides several key benefits for mature singles seeking connections. Subscribers can send and receive messages, gain insights into who’s viewed their profile, and utilize enhanced search features for finding compatible matches. The subscription also includes access to the OurTime mobile app for convenient on-the-go use. Depending on location, subscribers may have the chance to attend real-world group events hosted by OurTime. Above all, the platform maintains a strong focus on user safety, offering mechanisms for users to report concerns directly to site moderators.

Canceling Ourtime Subscription

The first step to canceling your Ourtime subscription is to log into your account. Once you have logged in, you will need to go to the “My Account” section. From there, you will need to select the “Subscription” tab. You will then be able to view your current subscription and select the “Cancel Subscription” button.

Steps to Cancel Subscription

The steps to cancel your Ourtime subscription are as follows:

  1. Log into your Ourtime account
  2. Go to the “My Account” section
  3. Select the “Subscription” tab
  4. Select the “Cancel Subscription” button

Refund Policy

Ourtime has a refund policy for those who cancel their subscription within the first seven days of signing up. If you cancel within this period, you are eligible for a full refund. If you cancel after the seven-day period, you will not be eligible for a refund.


Canceling your Ourtime subscription is easy and can be done in just a few simple steps. Be sure to familiarize yourself with Ourtime’s refund policy before you cancel so you can be sure you’ll be getting the full refund you’re entitled to.


Is there a cancellation fee?

There typically isn’t a cancellation fee for OurTime, but a things change quickly, it maybe worth while to check out their customer support team first

What happens after I cancel my subscription?

Typically, even after you cancel your subscription, you can still use the service until your subscription period ends. Your profile usually isn’t automatically deleted unless you specifically request it to be.

Can I get a refund if I cancel my subscription before the end of the billing cycle?

As of my last update, OurTime doesn’t typically offer refunds for partially used subscription periods. It’s always best to verify this with customer service or check the most recent terms and conditions.

Does OurTime subscription auto-renew?

Yes, OurTime subscriptions typically auto-renew. You need to cancel the auto-renewal before the renewal date if you do not want to continue with the service.

Can I reactivate my subscription after canceling it?

Generally, you can reactivate your subscription by signing up for a new subscription plan. Always verify this with the most current information from the OurTime website or customer service.

Can I call Ourtime and cancel my subscription over the phone?

Yes, Ourtime can be reached by calling 1-866-727-8920. Please note that average hold times can be over 25 mins.